Daniel Fox

Software Engineer Specializing In

Web Development and Salesforce

A Snippit of My Background

I am a software developer that is passionate about mobile-first, web development. My interests include playing violin, chess, and early childhood development.

Completed Projects

Simple Tasks

Ultimate Tic Tac Toe

Housing App

This website

This is a custom task app I built to be as simple and stripped down as possible. It was written using Angular, hosted on Firebase and leveraging Firebase authentication and data storage, and is installable via a PWA manifest and service worker.

Link: Simple Task

Picture of Home Page Picture of Home Page

This is a website I built for playing the classic game of tic tac toe with a unconventional twist. This is a real game that has been made before so it has real rules as listed in the website. I built this from scratch using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This was built as a class project in school.

Link: Ultimate Tic Tac Toe

This is a web app designed for the California Baptist University School of Music. The purpose behind the creation of this app was to simplify the housing process when tour groups needed host homes at performance venues. It has an automated randomizer that sorts, using a list of contraints, the members of a performance group into small clusters for housing. I coded and designed the front end.

Picture of Home Page Picture of Home Page

Just a small, one-page website in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Work Projects

Estate Manager

Denomination App

This is a PWA (Progressive Web App) that I built for cFive Solutions that works completely offline utalizing a serivce worker, and, when online, connects to a RESTful web service to enable interaction with a separate, larger back-end. The web service was used to download and upload from the database of another, pre-existing web app.

Picture of Download Picture of Upload

The app is also completely responsive for phone, tablet, and laptop/desktop sizes.

This is a React Native web app build connections to Salesforce via microservices to surface read-only data to field works. I helped with the design of the UI/UX and implemented the majority of the front-end of the application.

Picture of Download Picture of Upload

Picture of Upload

Who Am I?

I am currently a Tech lead for Compassion International. We build software solutions to enable the business to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. Currently, I am leading a team that works primarily on Salesforce, but we have done work additionally in Golang-based microservices, React Native web applications, and AWS Cloud Services. My current roles are tech lead of the my team as well as tech lead over Compassion's main Salesforce instance.

My Background

I grew up in the mountains of Southern California as the youngest of six children. I initially became interested in engineering when I began looking at California Baptist University as a possibility for higher education. I started out as an electrical, computer engineer, but switched over as soon as software engineering became available as a degree. Soon after graduating, I got my first, full-time job where I got exposure to my first monolithic application. I appreciated that job a lot, as it allowed me to experience all parts of our stack, from our Java backend and SQL databases to our front end that I helped begin redoing in angular apps. Since then, I have been with Compassion International once again being stretched in many great ways. I am also extremely involved in music and haved played violin in several orchestras and productions.

Looking Forward

I am currently learning more about modern cloud designs and also, in my role as tech lead, general, development life-cycle best practices. I would love to continue in that space as I strive to lead and stay out ahead of the developers so that I can ensure smooth sailing for those around me.

Contact Info

Daniel Fox

Mailing Address

10214 S Kingston Ave

Tulsa, OK 74137

Cell Phone:

(909) – 556 – 2091



Find out more about me


Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm

- Winston Churchill

There is nothing impossible to him who will try

- Alexander the Great

Life is like photography.
We develop from the negatives

- Unknown

Live as if you were to die tomorrow
Learn as if you were to live forever

- Mahatma Gandhi

Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.

- C.S. Lewis

My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.

- Abraham Lincoln

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

- Albert Einstein

As soon as I saw you,
I knew an adventure was going to happen.

- Winnie the Pooh

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.

- Dr. Seuss